Book Series

Booknizer is an advanced book organizer for all types of books. You can add your paper books by title, isbn, or barcode. Electronic books (e-books, ebooks) and audio books can be added from files. The added books can be sorted, searched and filtered in different ways. Information about your home library can be printed or exported to PDF / other formats using reports.

There are some predefined fields in Booknizer, such as title, year, genre, etc. If you download information about books from the internet or add your books from files, some of these fields are filled out automatically. Additionally, some custom fields and lists are available, they can be used for any sort of information.

A book series is normally a group of books that have something in common (for example, the same main hero / heroine, the same "universe", etc.). While each book may have its own unrelated title, all of them belong to the same series. Thus you may want to work with a series as a whole: display all books from the series, send them to a report, etc.

"Book series" is one of the predefined fields. In the "Edit info" window for a book, you can find this field directly below the "Title" field:

Book series in the Edit info window

Actually, there are two fields: name of the series ("Book series") and number of the book in the series ("# in series").

When you add the first book of some new series, you can type the name of the series directly into the "Book series" field. If the series is already available in your database, you can select it from the dropdown list:

Selecting a series from the list

The screenshot above calls your attention to the "..." button next to the "Book series" field. Click the button to open the reference editor:

Edit or delete book series

Here you can edit names, if mistyped, or delete series that you do not need.

When finished, click "OK" to close the reference editor and apply your changes. If you click "Cancel", your changes will not be applied.

On the book page, information about its series (if available) is displayed as a link:

Book series

Click on the series' name. This will display all books from your collection that belong to the series:

Showing all books of the series

You can also use book series as an item on the "Collection" tab.

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Version 10.3
Booknizer: book organizer
Paper, electronic and
audio books!