Quick Filter

After adding books to your Booknizer database you can use the numerous features of the program to search, group and select necessary books. There are several various ways of quick filtering, you can easily select books by a particular parameter and work with the selection further.

There is a line of letters on the toolbar of the program. You may find out that not the complete A-Z range is represented here. If you have added just a few books, only a few letters will be available. These are the first letters of the book titles that you have already added to your catalog. Press a letter and Booknizer will filter the book list, keeping only the titles starting with this letter.

Filter books by the first letter

To return to the full list, click the "All" button on the left.

The Quick filter menu offers additional options for filtering the list of your books:

Quick filter menu

Here we can quickly select all unread books from our library, all books that we would like to buy or download, books that we plan on selling, books with a certain type of cover or of certain format, books from a particular series, books with certain values in custom fields and lists. After you select some value in this menu, Booknizer will keep in the list only those books that have the value set (unread, for sale etc.).

You can return to the full list of books in just the same way as you did with the letter filter, pressing the "All" button on the toolbar.

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Version 10.3
Booknizer: book organizer
Paper, electronic and
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