Information About Books In Different Languages

Booknizer can download information about books and authors in several languages. First of all, it is possible to download information from different online book databases. Select a download source on the "Scripts for books" tab of the "Options" window:

Select where to download information about books from

In the "Language" column, you can see the main language of the corresponding information source. Most sources offer just one main language. With Amazon, different languages are supported, that's why we see "Multiple" in the "Language" column.

But how do we select our preferred language for the Amazon site? For example, we may want to download information in Italian, and not in English.

Select the "amazon (Multiple)" entry from the dropdown list at the top, or just click the corresponding item in the main list. After this, click the "Settings" button.

A small window will be shown:

Amazon script settings

Select your preferred local service (for example, "" for Italian or "" for German) and click "OK".

Now you can download information about books in the corresponding language:

Information about a book in Italian

Support for further sites can be added. Just send us a link to a good site about books, and we will consider adding support for the site.

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